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Your Rental Search, Elevated!

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Redefining Rental Applications

Say goodbye to endless paperwork and hello to a smarter, safer way to apply. Bounce lets you experience the convenience of applying to multiple rentals seamlessly. Embrace the future with Bounce - secure, seamless, and stress free.

Apply Anywhere, Anytime, with Bounce

One Account
Your Bounce account is not tied to a specific device. You can seemlessly switch between devices while keeping all your information and applications in sync. woman in white jacket holding a cell phone
24/7 Accessibility
With Bounce, you're no longer bound by traditional office hours. Our platform is accessible 24/7, allowing you to browse and apply for rental properties whenever it suits you. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, Bounce is there for you. sun, moon, and stars icon
Save Your Progress
Life can be hectic, and interruptions happen. With Bounce, you can start an application, save your progress, and come back to it later. No need to rush through the process or start from scratch if you get interrupted. Mother on tablet with children
Global Reach
Bounce lets you apply to rental properties across various locations, making it ideal for both local and long-distance moves. Bounce will also let you know if additional information is needed on your application for rentals outside the United States. Globe Icon

Bounce is Your Rental Passport

The Rental Passport
A "Rental Passport" is a digital profile that consolidates all your rental-related information, history, and credentials in one place. It serves as your unique identity in the rental market and simplifies the application process for prospective tenants. bright room for rent
Centralized Information
Your Rental Passport on Bounce gathers essential information such as your personal details, rental history, employment information, references, and more. This eliminates the need to repeatedly fill out the same details for each rental application. server icon
Document Storage
Store important documents securely within your Rental Passport. This can include ID copies, pay stubs, bank statements, and reference letters. Access and share these documents with prospective landlords or property management companies as needed. filling out a document
Application History
Keep track of all your past rental applications, approvals, and rejections. This historical data can help you refine your rental strategy and make more informed decisions in your search. analog clock in reverse icon

Secure & Reliable

Data Protection
We take data privacy seriously. Bounce follows strict data protection regulations to ensure that your information is never shared or used for any purpose other than facilitating your rental applications. outline of file folder with sheild on top
Regular Security Audits
Bounce conducts routine security audits and assessments to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Our commitment to ongoing security measures ensures that your data remains protected. shield outline icon
Seamless User Experience
We prioritize a smooth and intuitive user experience. Bounce's user interface is user-friendly, and our servers are optimized to deliver fast response times, so you can complete your rental applications without interruption. smiling woman using mobile device at desk
Data Backup and Recovery
Your data is important to us, and we have robust data backup and recovery systems in place. This means that even in the unlikely event of a system failure, your information remains safe and accessible. cloud backup icon
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  • Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash
  • Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash
  • Photo by Outsite Co on Unsplash
  • Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash
  • Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash